At the announcement of the scandal, the daughter of Jean-Marie Le Pen played the card of transparency. "I'm not particularly surprised," said the blonde by phone. "The truth everyone knows. Paris abuzz for months in political and journalistic circles, the pathological relationship that maintains DSK against women.
Some call it a weakness, others an addiction." Marine Le Pen said that this behavior was "known to all, hidden by all." So if the charge of Dominique Strauss-Kahn proves accurate, if this behavior finally broke into the open, is this the end of the political career of socialist? Interview.
en lets you view the intervention of Marine Le Pen. 

Some call it a weakness, others an addiction." Marine Le Pen said that this behavior was "known to all, hidden by all." So if the charge of Dominique Strauss-Kahn proves accurate, if this behavior finally broke into the open, is this the end of the political career of socialist? Interview.
en lets you view the intervention of Marine Le Pen.
- IMF chief Strauss-Khan arrested for alleged sexual attack. This has big implications for Sarkozy - and Marine Le Pen (15/05/2011)
- MAIS OUI! French Jews embrace far right anti-Islam candidate Marine Le Pen (09/03/2011)
- Marine Le Pen most popular choice for French President - poll (05/03/2011)
- Anger over Marine Le Pen radio interview (07/04/2011)
- Marine Le Pen's poll position | Melissa Bounoua (08/03/2011)
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