For all we know and experienced the joy that oozes Nati Abascal, either sympathy or innate brews at parties he frequents dealt. The site chosen for the concentration of macro flashes was Nuba, which brought together all the celebrities to wear palm beach getaway before they all have in mind. Until then moved: Nuria March, the children of the Duchess, Beatriz de Orleans, Carmen Martínez Bordiú and Nati's children, among others.
Very Abascal African savage energy and joy exuded from every pore. Many point to excess champagme but, do Nati can not be super happy? Hit the top celebrities in which we could enjoy the sympathy of Nativity who wanted to remain silent when questioned about his relationship with what could be his daughter, Amanda Hearts. 

Very Abascal African savage energy and joy exuded from every pore. Many point to excess champagme but, do Nati can not be super happy? Hit the top celebrities in which we could enjoy the sympathy of Nativity who wanted to remain silent when questioned about his relationship with what could be his daughter, Amanda Hearts.
- Cum Fiesta - Marie McCray in Climax Party (11/05/2011)
- The Green Machine (11/05/2011)
- BOBSPONGE!!!! - Porto Alegre, Brazil (02/05/2011)
- Whimsically Sensual Shoots - Fabian Gloeden Captures Both Serious and Playful Aesthetics ( (11/05/2011)
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