Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Ortega Cano:''If I were gay, would not be a crime''

On the one hand has responded to the rumors about Rosa Benito statements in which he allegedly called him "fag" and "alcoholic." He says he met Rosa and assured him crying that he had never said. After hearing the interview with his brother Eugene, Ortega Cano told us that everything is a lie. That his sister has never said he will not sleep in his house and he has shown his brothers that they want more for them than for himself.

The right-hander also talked about the statements accusing him of homosexuality. He says that if he were homosexual, today nothing would happen, it would be a crime, but still has assured that it is not. We also talked about love, has sworn by his children that he has not love anybody. On the other hand recount all the details about the family war that pits brothers against Moher.

And finally we talked about his son, Jose Fernando. He assured that he will not ask inheritance to leave Spain. Next Friday, José Ortega Cano will be in person on the set of DEC to further clarify all the rumors about him and the war between his family and Moher. Do not miss, at 23:30 hours on Antena 3, and antena3.


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