It is a French scandal. One of these arrangements between friends that you carefully hides the citizen, but expensive to the taxpayer. Indeed, France Soir reveals that some of our politicians and other officials were appointed prefects by our successive presidents but have never exercised any function.
Among these prefects "ghosts" are two political stars, MPs and former ministers of François Mitterrand, Michel Vauzelle (center in photo), 66, and Michel Delebarre, 65. Both indicate formally the same profession: Prefect. Yet the first is a lawyer and the second senior communities. In fact, these two great local notables Party socialistequi never served as prefect had been appointed as such, in its discretion, by then President Francois Mitterrand in 1985 and the first in 1983 the second.
Within a few years when they decide to abandon their mandates, these two MPs could hold their entire pension prefect of parliamentary and local elected! In whole of the order of 12 000 € monthly gross for the first and 10 000 respectively. Recall that, according to Insee, the average gross pension to France amounted in 2009 to € 1 196 per month ... 

Among these prefects "ghosts" are two political stars, MPs and former ministers of François Mitterrand, Michel Vauzelle (center in photo), 66, and Michel Delebarre, 65. Both indicate formally the same profession: Prefect. Yet the first is a lawyer and the second senior communities. In fact, these two great local notables Party socialistequi never served as prefect had been appointed as such, in its discretion, by then President Francois Mitterrand in 1985 and the first in 1983 the second.
Within a few years when they decide to abandon their mandates, these two MPs could hold their entire pension prefect of parliamentary and local elected! In whole of the order of 12 000 € monthly gross for the first and 10 000 respectively. Recall that, according to Insee, the average gross pension to France amounted in 2009 to € 1 196 per month ...

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