Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Secret Story 3: Emily "Amelie was very pregnant!"

It was one of the big buzz at the beginning of the year: Amelia announced she was pregnant with Senna, before an abortion the following week. Two statements that had been taken lightly by most celebrity magazines, as well as by the principal concerned Hounhanou Senna! The latter did not fail to swing on his ex and benefit to appear with his new conquest, Julie Ricci.

Yet few people are actually convinced of the authenticity of the pregnancy of Amelia, also confirmed by his agent in a press release. Emily, winning Secret Story 3 has ruled on this rumor, although it had nothing to do with it: "Everything is true. She assured me. And that's the worst. Sometimes love makes us do things excessive.

If this had happened, I think, unlike her, I would not reveal. A few gullible Emily? Amelie Neten had indeed sold the exclusive magazine audience and has thus offered two extra weeks of fame.

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