Monday, April 18, 2011

Isasaweis: "Now, I'd love to publish a cookbook"

Check here for the answers to your questions Isasaweis yeye: Keeping the popularity? Cristina de Montevideo: Hello! I see you in the not too distant future working as a communicator on television or radio, you as you look? 1 big kiss! Laura: If you hook your book, you plan to do another one with new material? A kiss.

Karolinha: With everything that's happening to you in so little time ... how you feeling? think this will last forever or just something temporary? If you are a sun, from La Coruña besazo! ;) Catalina Delgado: As I can get the book if I live in USA .. I love ISA hopefully someday come by here ..

Teresa: Well more than a question is a suggestion. You thought about making a book of healthy recipes and whether they might help you lose weight. I think it would have many followers, I first kisses. Claaree: How I can do to make the makeup last for hours? Christina: Where did you learn the tricks and recipes that you know? transmitted from generation to generation and things are looking Through the web? Whom inspires you to dress and makeup in an actress that you like in particular? I'm learning to cook because of you! Veronica: In a few months has made a lot of dreams: your successful blog, a program and a book.

What is your next goal? What would you happen to you now? I confess I am a big fan of yours, and I hope you continue to reap success personally and professionally. 1 besazo beautiful Ana Belen: It is wrong to bed without removing makeup from time to time when you do not feel like removing makeup at night when a party is? hehe: P Thanks wapa! Marisa: There is a treatment for stretch marks Blanca: Hola! First congratulations on your recent motherhood =) And my question, How does an ordinary girl, that it will reach the fame of the blue? A big hug! Jackeline Garcia: Hi Isa before q no congratulations for the success we're having.

Well that question is more suggestion, if you put looks very nice but it turns out you have white skin, now you're with your program, I hope you had a chance to lleba a girl with brown skin to see the difference in color if we can use and maybe make a difference for certain lines in the shadows or some tricks you have for us.

Thanks and I hope the book also on this side of the pond. Bye antonio: hola isa question I love my boy "I'll do any trick for kids? a beautiful ruby kiss: hi isa!! a kiss for you and mateo Where did the idea of making videos and share what you know '? Carmen: Hi Isa, are many of your fans and always look forward to show us your videos, your tricks, and all your good personal news.

But at some point you would like to return to your previous life, more anonymous? Congratulations on everything:) Esther: Hi Isa, how do you this to be famous? or even those that you believe yourself Tons of fans, say people who becomes famous change, but you're just like always, this is a merit!! a big kiss Soraya Ch: Hi Isa.

I'm very pronounced dark circles and do not know what to do to hide it. use correction but not enough for me, the look is still tired. Is there any treatment to make them disappear altogether??. Congratulations and thank you very much for all your successes. A kiss. Maria Low: Isasa Hello! I love your show! is great, a bit of everything in a ratillo! I love to go with you to the kitchen section, and any dessert made with fruit, sugar free if possible! A big kiss! Chris Martin: Hello Isasa.

I am a girl of 23 years and I'm still from the beginning. You're great! I wanted to know how to remove black spots, I tried a lot of things and I wonder if you can make a homemade peeling as I do. Thank you very much. Mil Besic from Zaragoza Alicia: Hi isasaweis. First, you seem a wonderful person.

Besides the makeup tricks and cooking, is there any other hobby that you would like to convey? A kiss and thanks Sofia Ferrari: Hello, I would love to know if your book will sell in my country, Uruguay. I would love to buy it! Marta: Isa, we are already "Operation Bikini" and preparing your body for this summer, any advice? to prepare the skin, our feet, etc? A kiss and good luck! Estefania: Isa, how is your day to day? Kisses are the best beautiful cristina: Isa, I am Cristina from langreo asturias, I am 8 months pregnant and a half, apuntito to meet, on May 5, exactly, and I have a horrible burning at night, always give me when I am asleep and fatal step, and my poor husband has q early, and I hate to disturb him, but hey, the case is q drink milk, take Almax and no way, I have zara those licorice q say q is removed, but I have not noticed todabia q relieve me anything, you q advise me.

beautiful kiss, and went on with new projects. kisses. Lucia: I love your show, you also still on Youtube. Would I recommend a look for those days you're not too happy, to gain a little morality? Grcia beautiful, kiss! Mercedes: Personally I think, in part, your success is that you as a friend than when giving advice, are very natural.

In your opinion, what is the key to your success? Victoria Reyes: We know you're a woman entrepreneur, mother and wife. But how to combine all your activities with the fact that they also are a woman? Sotillo under: I have mixed facial skin and very sensitive. I'd like to get a facial, a mask ...

I advise you not to hurt me? Mayra Suarez: How are you spending in 1 year or less to be an anonymous person to have books, software, blog .....?¿ Do not worry a bit sometimes? Alicia: How do you feel after all that is happening in your life? How do you organize with Matthew and with you, so do so many things?? Xandra Ruiz: What is the cosmetic that can not miss in your everyday life? Why? Mary Louise: How did the idea of publishing a book with your advice? Would you like to do a book like this but recipes? or some other type of book? Thanks Isa! Kissing a procedenete of Asturias Albacete Carmen Ana Vicente Ruiz: Could you give some simple steps to highlight the features of the brunette girls through makeup and hair? Izas: this world you do part time or full? I mean if you have any other work that has nothing to do with what you say in your videos.

I love your videos on most used products this month, brushes and makeup in general! keep it up

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