Thursday, April 7, 2011

Justin Bieber divided Spain, the concert of Madrid against Barcelona

If you thought that the worst that could divide the country was a party in Madrid - Barça is because you did not know the fighting that has caudate Justin Bieber concert in the capital city Madrid versus Barcelona. The Bieber fans in Spain are divided, deciding not know what agreement was better and in which Justin was handed over.

While in Madrid the Canadian left her to the press it seems that the singer suffered a warning from his superiors and expressed his sympathy at the concert Barcelona, the teenager danced and sang the Macarena. Stone we are left to see that the singer knew the famous song from the River, which became popular in our country and half a world where the golden-haired boy was only a year old.

If this guy is wonderful even for that. Hopefully the people of Seville take a repeat of its success with Justin Bieber on the choruses. The press has spoken, now it is up to you. What concert did you like most?

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