Friday, March 18, 2011

Sandra Bullock donates one million dollars to those affected by the tsunami in Japan

The disaster happened in Japan has not only remove conscience world, but also the best known faces in Hollywood, who use their media power to raise funds. This time, after the tsunami in Japan, from Lady Gaga Kim Kardashian have his move, even for Twitter to try to help and send condolences. But what no one expected is that Sandra Bullock has made a generous donation of one million dollars through American Red Cross for all those affected by the disaster.

Most made from the occurrence of the earthquake. Sandra, who won an Oscar in 2010 for Blind Side, a few months ago she divorced her husband, Jesse James and has renocido recently that their separation has made him a better person. Needless to say it! Now, Sandra education alone to his adopted son, Louis Bard and faces the world trying to make this a little better.

With its generous contribution, at least Japan, will be.

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