Wednesday, June 1, 2011

The last medical report confirms the stability Ortega Cano diestrus

Ortega Cano's family has attended a day hospital to be with the matador and receive information from the medical team. The last part confirms that continues with sedation and mechanical ventilation and did not receive further outbreaks of active bleeding or other complications. On leaving the hospital, family members have expressed hope for some gestures to try to Ortega Cano.

Would seem to open the eyes, if it is possible that it is a reflex and unconscious as the bullfighter is sedated. Just today, right-hander who have visited have been particularly saddened by the tragic event that is celebrated today, the day that marks the fifth alos the death of Rocio Jurado.

Colleagues, friends and family are closely following the evolution of Ortega Cano while neighbors remember Castilblanco Carlos Parra. The fatality of the accident was 48 years and father of two hiijos. As for the investigation of the accident, apparently according to Carlos Herrera has learned breath analysis was negative.

Civil Guard sources have confirmed to the reporter that although at the time of the accident there was no evidence for grevedad of the situation, further analysis would have negative blood.

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